Thursday, July 21, 2005

my cat asserts himself

I read a portion of my last blog entry, the one about darkness, to a friend, and she said: "Oh, I'm so sorry you're so confused." Confused? I asked her what she meant. "You don't know the difference between good and evil," my friend said in a pitying tone of voice.

In a way I could say to my friend, in an indignant third-grader voice, "I do SO know the difference between good and evil." And to discuss the sense in which I don't, I'd have to pretty much get into politics. Or theology.

Another option is I could just pretty much shut up. Write my ECE. If I must blog, I could blog
about the finer points of prosody.

Thank you, blog-readers, for your kind comments. I must now brush my tomcat, who has arrived on my desk.

--- Harriet.


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